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Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

Regular price $12.00 USD
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by Thomas Tai-SaeleMillions of Christians pray daily for the coming of the Kingdom of God: Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The Baha’i Faith makes the astounding claim that the promises of the coming of the Kingdom found in the New Testament have already been fulfilled. The Kingdom is at hand, and the Will of God is even now being worked out on earth.

In this new edition that expands and clarifies original content, one Baha’i offers the proof. Carefully, reviewing the prophecies that are found in the Bible, the author presents all the signs that should accompany the coming of a New Day. His startling and original interpretation of familiar verses argues persuasively that three divine calls have been made since the coming of Christ. The readers attention is brought again and again to the number three in the New Testament, referring to the warnings and judgments of God.

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