Teaching, Crown of Immortal Glory
Teaching, Crown of Immortal Glory
by Hushidar Motlagh
Several communities have organized successful classes around this book. Teaching is a skill that can best be developed through interaction. Therefore holding classes on this topic is essential.
Many Bahá’ís put teaching at the low end of their daily agenda. The rate of our growth in most developing nations has been excellent. The reverse has been true in the west. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá asked each of us to teach and confirm one person every year. If we fail to change our priorities, it may take us a hundred years to accomplish what ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said should be done in one year!
If you want to live a long and enjoyable life, make teaching the prime purpose of your life. Scientific studies indicate that Samaritans are happier, healthier, and live longer. Is there anything we can offer to someone that compares with giving life to his soul?